I’m diving head first into design for code today. Wish me luck! Hello React Studio!
Amazing light sheet microscopy imaging
My colleagues just share this preprint for the sake of looking at their supplement movies They’re outright gorgeous and amazing!! I’m hoping one of the authors would post it on some video platform for easier sharing (and retains all their rights) – because PEOPLE NEED TO LOOK AT THEM! How do they do that? […]
Work Note 10.03.16 – MOL file into C4D
I was looking for how to import some drug molecules into C4D. If they were PDB files, I could use ePMV to open without trouble; however, they weren’t.. So I did the following: – found their MOL files downloaded from sites such as – put them into UCSF Chimera – did some appearance edits […]
A simplified thought about the accuracy vs artistic taste in science animations
Just want to voice my thought after a meeting. I got a chance to go to a meeting where at one point a professor addressed the issue of the lack of annotation in molecular animations. Those animations looked cool, but no-one might know what was actually going on. A few days back, a topic about […]
Just a short update though.. I have to pull myself into the habit of writing, because I surely have a hunch that I’ll be writing a lot the in future. If I don’t get any better by that time, urg, not good. For now, things haven’t put in concrete yet, so I have no official news […]
Final Project of class: the Drillship infographic!

For interactive file: (those above are just screenshots since it’s tricky to embedded a flash on my site ;___;) To my team’s article: To the whole 2014 Science Notes issue that our class and the Science Communication program worked on: To the archive of Science Notes issues: I just found out about […]
Being active!

Hi all, this summer of mine has been brimming with events and activities! Soon I will have quite a few new things to update, since I’ve been waiting for things to be officially launched. Also, stories about what I have learnt throughout this busy year are just filling up too quickly and there would be […]