Just a short update though..
I have to pull myself into the habit of writing, because I surely have a hunch that I’ll be writing a lot the in future. If I don’t get any better by that time, urg, not good.
For now, things haven’t put in concrete yet, so I have no official news to say. Life is just buzzing around with new plans, tentative schedules, and unknown paths. However, I finished my first project, and that also concluded my summer internship with crazy twists and turns! I couldn’t have imagined how many emergencies could come up in that short period of time, yet I made it, barely *laugh* (note to self: try HARDER but SMARTER, too, duh). It’s a little embarrassing to say, but this internship was also my first one ever, even though I took on jobs before. The feeling and the way things work are just different. Although, more or less, I call it what I’m doing right now my dream job that I need to get better asap (don’t know how, will figure it out along the way).
So, I’m done with the series of mini-liver, now next to something grande – which will gets smaller, smaller, and smaller, to something tiny but significant. Just behold! I’m excited. If only I can eat once every two days, and sleep once a week, and have a magic door connecting my bed to my cube at work, so that I can just learn new stuff non-stop.. Just kidding.
Alrighty, move on!
P/S: I find apt hunting on Craigslist is ‘delightful’ in a way, especially for a place in a big city. It’s good for training people to write succinct, effective, and persuasive emails talking about themselves..